5 Things You Must Do Right Away to Save Your Marriage and Avoid Divorce
1. The first thing you should do is take a stand. You know that your marriage is in trouble, although you may not know the reason right now. This is why you’re looking for save marriage tips – to find out how to fix whatever is going wrong. When a marriage is in trouble, both partners often shy away from making the first move to fix things. How is your marriage supposed to improve if nobody does anything?
2. If you start to show your spouse the stress and tension that you’re feeling, he or she may back away more. They may try to run from the pressure. It is important that you stay as calm as possible. Nothing ever gets fixed when you stay tense – it is only when we make ourselves calm that we can think clearly enough to solve problems.
3. Even married couples need their space. Are you crowding each other? Is one of you hounding the other one, or nagging? The two of you should have your own down time, doing things that you each like to do. This will help to ease some of the tension and still keep you together.
4. Save the complaining for big things. Let the little things slide, the best that you can. This can be difficult at first, but it gets easier, the more you do it. Not everything has to become an argument. Like in the old movies – a ‘yes dear’ or something to that effect works well in evading an argument.
5. If your spouse has a better job than you, or if they work with a lot of the opposite sex, do your very best to not become jealous. Jealousy is a sure relationship killer. Have faith in your spouse – jealousy or envy should never have a role in any relationship, especially a marriage.
When I first stumbled across Brad Browning’s new “Mend The Marriage” program, I thought it would be more or less the same as all the other similar products for sale on the internet. Boy, was I wrong. This is one seriously awesome program, and I’m confident that it will give anyone whose marriage is ‘on the rocks’ the best possible chance of turning things around and living happily ever after with their spouse.

First of all, “Mend the Marriage” is easily the most thorough and comprehensive guide I’ve seen (and I’ve bought them all). It leaves no stones unturned: you may think that your situation is unique, and that any book on the topic can’t possibly address the issues you’re facing. Well, with “Mend the Marriage”, that’s definitely not the case! Brad has covered every possible scenario and “what if,” meaning that by the time you’ve finished reading the program, your questions are almost certain to have been answered in depth.
Not only is it the most comprehensive program, it’s also the only guide we’ve found that actually provides hundreds of real-world examples on how to apply Brad’s techniques. Brad’s chapter on how to handle arguments with your spouse, for example, has a bunch of incredibly effective and innovative techniques that will resolve conflicts quickly and without any lingering hard feelings… and the whole book is full of this kind of stuff. Brad calls these “Immediate Impact Actions” — things you can do to make an immediate positive difference.

Perhaps most importantly, it’s very clear that the psychological techniques recommended in “Mend the Marriage” have been researched and tested by men and women in the real world. Brad Browning is an experienced marriage coach, and his time working with married couples facing divorce is very evident throughout the book. He also includes a number of “Ask the Counsellor” boxes where a certified couples counsellor weighs in on a variety of hot topics.
Brad claims that almost all marriages can be salvaged, even if things seem hopeless right now… and while that may sound unreasonable at first, I actually tend to think he’s being completely honest. It’s no stretch to imagine that, as he states on his website, anyone who reads and applies his techniques is almost guaranteed to see dramatic improvements in their marriage. The testimonials on his website are clear evidence that this program works, too.
What about the program itself? The core of the program is a 240 page e-book, professionally written & presented. There’s also an audio version and an excellent 7-part video series, plus three bonus e-books and some handy team-building worksheets.
The best part? It’s all available *instantly* from Brad’s website… there’s no shipping fees and no waiting around for the mailman, because you can download the entire program within 2 minutes of ordering. That’s great news, considering that when you’re trying to stop divorce and win back your partner’s love, time is of the essence!
If you’re ready to get instant access to all of Brad’s sneaky psychological tips and techniques, head over to his website and watch the free video presentation now. Trust me, you won’t regret it… and it might just make the difference between “divorced and lonely” and “happily ever after”. Wishing you all the best.
The Parts of the Program
These are some of the things that you will find in the program that will help you get the hang of it and use it to help yourself in the whole process. They will guide you to the end of the strengthening of your marriage and you will enjoy the benefits that this will offer you.
- The Starting Video– this is the video that you will start with so that Brad Browning can show you exactly what you need to be doing as a beginner in the program. Think of it as an orientation program and then you will be fine.
This is where you will find a detailing of all the marriage errors that you have been committing and a stern warning and guide on how to stop them before you get to the meat of what you are supposed to be doing.
- The Forever Phase– this will be found in the PDF eBook and it will be detailing the things that you will need to do to get the marriage back on track and to make sure that you do not have any negative memories which just end up destroying the good things that you have going on. The book will be your comprehensive guide that will take you through the steps that you need to know in the best way possible.
- Mind Reading Technique– wouldn’t it be marvellous if you could know what your partner was thinking even without saying a single word? Well, that is what you will learn here in the book. You will see what to do to make sure that you anticipate the things that are going to happen and always stay ahead of the game at all times.
- The forgiveness technique– this is where you will be taught the most integral part in any successful marriage, the art of being apologetic and being frank enough with what you feel in terms of being offended, forgiving and letting go of the things that just drag down what is an otherwise awesome marriage.
- Dispute diffusion technique– this is the most important part of making sure that you do not sink the ship unknowingly by being silly or foolish in regard to what is happening around you. The disputes that arise need to be curbed before they can escalate into something that will ultimately lead to the breakups that we experience in many marriages today. The diffusion of a dispute involves one or both of you being humble enough to handle it maturely.
- Reverse psychology and sex– when you need your marriage to be the sole source of happiness for your partner, it will be important that you use some of the reverse psychology techniques and other sexual innuendo that overwhelm your partner to the point that they only come to you for maximum satisfaction and relief.

Bonus Items That You Get From This Program
- The Video Series of the program will be available for you to watch Mr Browning talk about the things that matter the most among other tips that you will find very useful.
- The Infidelity Survival guide that takes care of all your faithfulness and trust issues comprehensively.
- Children and Divorce EBook that will take you through the motions of the divorce and how to balance the kids factor well.
- Money Matters Guide that will help you with the finances that may sometimes cause problems for you if they are not well taken care of.
What Are The Benefits of Mend The Marriage?
Being able to ‘mend your marriage’ is, of course, the greatest benefit of all. As long as you’re willing to work on your marriage, you will see positive changes. This book is much more enlightening than a therapy session — it focuses you to address your own feelings and behaviors, something you may not have done in the past.
Sometimes, it’s hard to see the role we play in our marital problems — even if your partner has done something you strongly disagree with. Helping guide you through every possible scenario, this guide is not able blaming yourself or your partner, it’s about making positive changes to increase your happiness and mend your marriage.
You will appreciate the dynamic of this guide, feeling as though you’re receiving one-on-one support from your own counselor, but you’ll love:
- The format of the guide itself, as it is broken down into various sections based on the stages of your marriage, and the circumstances that may follow. Regardless of your situation, you will be able to connect to this book, finding hope for your future.
- The videos that accommodate the guide, adding another layer of support. The more you open your mind to this program and the factors that you can change, the better the results will be. Everything you would need is included, are you ready to take the next step?

Marriage is tough, but that doesn’t mean you need to give up. It’s time to invest in the tools you need in order to create a happier, healthier future with your partner. You’ll be happy to know that the Mend The Marriage program comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. This means that it is something you can take for a test drive in your relationship to see how it goes, with no risk involved. If you decide that it doesn’t work for you, then all you have to do is ask for your money back – no questions asked. With no risk involved – why not give it a try?